----- Virus ----- General Info ------------ Game: Unreal Tournament 2004 Filename: Virus1_5.u Authors: stfx Nicholas Rhead Contact: stfxmail@gmail.com Version: 1.5 Release Date: 01.02.2014 Source Code: https://github.com/stfx/ut2004mods Description ----------- Players take turns being infected with the virus. Everyone they come into contact with also catches the virus. The longer a player stays uninfected the more points he gets. If all players are infected a new round starts. The player who reaches the target goal score first or has the most points after a specific time wins. Installation ------------ Unzip the contents of the ZIP file to your UT2004 directory. If you are having trouble recording demos in Virus, you may need to add the line ServerPackages=Virus1_5 to the [Engine.GameEngine] section of your UT2004.ini. To launch Virus as start-up game mode, simply add the URL parameter ?game=Virus1_5.Virus to the start-up command line of your server. Author Notes - stfx ------------------- The first version of Virus was originally created by Nicholas Rhead back in 2004 but I decided to fix and improve upon it since it still needed lots of love. Virus is best enjoyed against many human players on a small map. This is the complete list of changes I have done: Version 1.5: - Added support for MaxLives of infected players - Added configuration to prevent infecting the same players in consecutive rounds and even between maps - Added configuration for the amount of the last infected players to be saved - Added configuration to specify the amount of points uninfected players get each second - Added configuration to specify infected kill points - Added configuration for infected bonus speed other than the first one - Added configurations to specify score penalties for self kill, team kill and camping - Added 'NewRoundIn' sound before starting the new round countdown - Improved display of FFA stage by continuously showing a message and playing a sound after it finishes - Fixed endless new round loop if using bRandomFirstVirus without setting a goal score - Fixed broadcasting FFA message - Fixed incorrectly being able to score during new round countdown - Fixed exploiting by always infecting spectators who join - Fixed player speed on join after being a spectator - Fixed incorrectly broadcasting infection messages when a player became a spectator - Fixed countdown message having been one second too short - Fixed parsing URL options to work with map vote - Freshly infected players again immediately get full health - Renamed configuration bRandomFirstVirus to bRandomFirstInfection - Renamed configuration VirusSpreadPoints to InfectionSpreadPoints Version 1.4: - Added configuration to choose the first infected player randomly - Added configuration to disallow any weapons - Fixed replication of VirusFX and Goop overlay - Fixed related client crash if host is in listen mode - Fixed restarting the round if remaining infected player left the game or became a spectator - Fixed a warning after version 1.2 - Removed black vignette HUD again Version 1.3: - Added configurable friendly fire scale between uninfected players and reduce their score if they kill their own team - Added configurable camper warnings for uninfected players and reduce their score if they are camping - Added configuration to disallow Super Weapons - Added configuration to disallow Adrenalin - Added configuration to disallow pickups (except from weapon bases) - Added black vignette HUD overlay for when the virus starts to spread - Fixed game ending while score is still tied between at least two players when using GoalScore > 0 - Fixed showing weapon info even while infected - Self kills now also reduce the score - Freshly infected players no longer immediately get full health - Infected players can now only have the shield gun equipped and no longer pick up any weapons - Precache vignette HUD texture Version 1.2: - Added infection vignette HUD effect - Added configuration for the infection radius - Added configuration for login infection time - Improved performance of infection emitter - Fixed game not ending ending while spectators are in the game - Fixed rare bot AI crash - Fixed infected players being able to see their own flames - Fixed resetting speed boost of first infected Version 1.1: - Added support to award configurable amount of score points when player spreads infection - Added support to boost speed of first infected player by configurable factor - Fixed spreading infection by actually bumping into player (bots still also spread infection by standing real close to player) - Fixed warnings, crashes and game not ending in some maps - Removed annoying radar sound - Removed "Virus" game startup text - Hid radar for non infected players I would also like to thank jefe, {TARD}-C3nT and rdy2bz for feedback and Wormbo for useful advice. Have fun! How to Use ---------- Virus comes with multiple configurable options and can be played with some variations. GoalScore: A goal score bigger than 1 means that after all players are infected a new round will be started until a player reaches the target score. A goal score of 0 means that the last uninfected player wins. bRandomFirstInfection: True means that a random player is infected on player start. Otherwise the first player to die or be killed gets infected. RandomInfectionHistory: Specifies how many recently randomly infected players will be saved in order to prevent infecting the same players or bots again. This is only used in combination with Random First Virus. LoginInfectTime: Time in seconds after start of match that newly joined players get infected. InfectionRadius: Radius within which others get infected. Set to 0 to only allow infecting by actually bumping into players. UninfectedTimePoints: Points an uninfected player gets each second. InfectionSpreadPoints: Points an infected player gets when he infects others. InfectedKillPoints: Points an uninfected player gets when he kills infected players. InfectedSpeed: Speed factor modification of all infected players. 1 means normal speed. FirstInfectedSpeed: Speed factor modification of the first infected player as long as he is the only infected in the game. 1 means normal speed. Overrides Infected Speed. bAllowWeapons: True means that weapons are included in the player load out and will be available in the map. bAllowSuperweapons: True means that super weapons will be available in the map. bAllowPickups: True means that pickups will be available in the map. bAllowAdrenaline: True means that adrenaline combos will be enabled. bCamperAlarm: True means that an alarm is played if an uninfected player stands in one spot too long. Their score will also be reduced by one point. CampThreshold: Determines how long a player can stand in one spot before triggering a camper warning. ReCamperWarnInterval: Specifies how often the camper warning is played. CampPenalty: Specifies the camper alarm score penalty. SelfKillPenalty: Specifies the self kill score penalty. FriendlyKillPenalty: Specifies the friendly kill score penalty between uninfected players. FriendlyFireScale: Specifies how much damage uninfected players can do to other uninfected ones. This is not used in the initial FFA stage. If you really want to train your movement against other players you can try Infection Tag: GoalScore=999, TimeLimit=3, bRandomFirstInfection=True, InfectedKillPoints=0, UninfectedTimePoints=1, FirstInfectedSpeed=1.2, InfectedSpeed=1, bAllowWeapons=False, bAllowSuperweapons=False, bAllowPickups=False and bAllowAdrenaline=False. And a different playstyle would be Virus Deathmatch: GoalScore=25, TimeLimit=5, bRandomFirstInfection=False, InfectedKillPoints=1, UninfectedTimePoints=0, FirstInfectedSpeed=1.5, InfectedSpeed=1.1, bAllowWeapons=True, bAllowSuperweapons=True, bAllowPickups=True, bAllowAdrenaline=True. Leave the settings at default for Infection Tag with weapons enabled. This is also the recommended way to try Virus out for the first time. Copyright --------- Virus for Unreal Tournament 2004. Copyright (c) 2004 by Nicholas Rhead Contact for feedback. This mod is freely available for noncommercial use. For commercial use and distribution, please contact Nicholas Rhead in advance for permission.