Title    : Slide Level Pak 1
Filename : Slidelv1.zip
Version  : 1.00
Date     : 10-11-97
Author   : See the level list. :)
Email    : singe@ix.netcom.com

 Type of Mod
 Quake C  : no
 Sound    : nope
 MDL      : certainly not
 Level    : well.. yeah.

 Format of Mod
 pak1.pak file.

    Here's the long awaited first official Slide level pak. It includes nine
 all-new Slide levels as well as a new Slide start map. All you do to get it
 to run, is copy the pak1.pak file into your Slide directory that already
 has the pak0.pak file in it. Then run off and play your levels. :)

 Da Levels:
 - SLSTART.BSP - "Slide Test Centre"
 - SLIDE1.BSP - "Volcanic Detour"
  - Author: Nick "SiNGE" Bousman (singe@ix.netcom.com)

 - SLIDE2.BSP - "Black Diamond"
 - SLIDE3.BSP - "Scenic Germany"
  - Author: Glenn "Griphis" Saaiman (griphis@ix.netcom.com)

 - SLIDE4.BSP - "Enter the Badlands"
 - SLIDE5.BSP - "TechSlider"
  - Author: Lucas "Lunaticman" Ellison (lunaticman@hotmail.com)

 - SLIDE6.BSP - "Jehrico 1"
 - SLIDE7.BSP - "Temple of Gaia"
  - Author: Steve "Dipstick" Towle (stevet@ftp.cdrom.com)

 - SLIDE8.BSP - "The Abandoned Race"
  - Author: Scott "Statler" Tatum (tatum@mc.edu)

 - SLIDE9.BSP - "UberSlide"
  - Author: Matt "Legba" Yaste (legba@best.com)

 Planned Stuff:
  - Another level pak eventually. ;)

 The start level isn't all that great, but that's cause our real start level
 fell through at the last moment, and I (SiNGE) had to whip up a start level
 real quick from scratch in one day. Believe me, it shows. :)

 Check out Singe's page 'o patches at:


 Singe is also the author of Rune Hunt, Artifact Quake, and QTank.

 Check out Griphis' page 'o Quake stuff, once he's ready to tell you where
 it is!

 Copyright and Distribution Permissions
 Authors may NOT use these modifications as a basis for other
 publically available work unless they ask the author (me), and
 get permission first.

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