}---------->(((º>----------< Powder Keg! >----------<º)))<----------{ Date: 22nd of December, 1999 Title: Powder Keg Filenames: pkeg1.bsp pkeg2.bsp pkeg3.bsp Game: Quake 1 Author: Mr Fribbles (Van Ricketts) Email: fribbles@planetquake.com ICQ: 1952617 Web: http://www.planetquake.com/frib/ http://www.planetquake.com/peejnfrib/ }---------->(((º>----------< About The Map >----------<º)))<----------{ This level is a remake of the pre-existing map fribdev1 - powder keg. It was created in order to eliminate the numerous clipping bugs present in the original map, including the fucked up, illogical, impossible, dirty great big disgusting QW 2.3 ONLY clipping bug O' death at the RA. Why bother? I still play this level a lot, so does ZzJohnzZ & co, and hopefully even some other people. These clipping bugs shit me, especially the QW 2.3 one, which I could do nothing about... QW 2.3 was released AFTER my map was released, and it BROKE my map, goddamn it. So I fixed it. I didn't have the original source files, so the map has been rebuilt from scratch... it is a very simple map though, so that only took a couple of hours. I resisted the tempation to make a lot of changes to the map... the gameplay is IDENTICAL to the original, because it was already perfect, and there are only a couple of very small changes... mostly to accomodate different texturing, and in one case, to provide just a bit more detail (at the MH). In the Powder Keg tradition, there are not one, not two, but THREE different versions to choose from. In each case the level is identical, but the texturing is totally different. Pick the one which suits you best, or mix and match, there should be something there you like. I always loved the original textured version, so that has remained, but rather than re-doing the other 2 versions in the original fribdev1, I whipped up two new versions. Both use primarily textures from Heretic2, which I doubt have been used in Quake before, and they certainly do look the business. I have included the original fribdev1.txt in the pkeg.zip archive, so that De Venator recieves proper credit as co-author of this map. -------- Below is a list of changes from the original fribdev1.bsp. This is by no means a comprehensive changelog, and I've no doubt missed something stuff... PLUS noone is going to read this shit anyway, but here it is: - lighting is different. I didn't have the original source files, and since Dev did the light I don't have a clue where the lights were, what values he used, etc. I decided that I could make the lighting a bit nicer anyway, whilst still retaining the same general level of brightness and ambience present in fribdev1. - respawns are in a different order. This is because I don't have a clue what the original order was, although obviously I COULD load the map, write down the order, and then re-create them one by one, it wouldn't be much of a problem. BUT any decent server/mod has randomized respawns anyway so I doubt anyone has memorized the order. - ADDED TWO RESPAWNS. I didn't really intend to do this, but when I was adding the spawns in I thought I remembered the first respawn I put in there.. but I remembered wrong. It's the one in the window, overlooking the RL and facing the MH. I left it in there because I like it, and I love hanging down the bottom near that main RL and fragging people mid air as they jump for the RL. Now, since I decided to leave THAT spawn in, I had 5 spawns in that area and 3 spawns in the RA area. Seemed like a bad idea. So I had the choice of removing the new one or adding one in the other room. I added another right next to the LG, in the window frame, bringing the total respawns up to 9 with a 5/4 split between MH/RA rooms. - added a bit of decoration next to the MH. That bit looked like shit originally, especially when I put some more light in there. - removed wall torch at MH, there is plenty of light there now anyway. - Changed the look of the teleports slightly. Also made the teleport trigger FLUSH with the frames rather than INSIDE the frames. No more getting stuck on the teleport edges in combat. - map is vissed with wqbsp for transparent water (blood in this case) and teleports. I don't tend to use transparencies anyway, but it looks nice in pkeg1.bsp, and it's there for the people that want the feature. Remember to use r_wateralpha 0.4 (or whatever) for transparencies, and r_wateralpha 1 to turn it off. - Added 2 windows at the RA. This was done mainly to give some more natural light in that area, and to break up those big plain walls. Since I am trying to keep to the original style, I just copied the design of the LG windows and rotated it. I kept the windows AWAY from the RA itself so that people can't stand in front of them to avoid RL splash. - CLIPPED OUT those new windows at RA. Reason - I wanted to keep the same clip hull profile as before, especially near the RA.. ie I wanted a flat wall rather than having the player get stuck in the windows. But I left the LG windows unclipped cos there is spawns in there, and I've never been stuck in there at all.. played it hundreds of times and never been blasted in there by RL splash either. - FIXED clipping bugs which were present in fribdev1.bsp. This includes the main RL area most notably. - FIXED qw 2.3 movement bug at RA. Yes it reared its ugly head again, even though I rebuilt the map from scratch. Even though there's nothing there, heh. I fucked it off, I've yet to see it happen again in QW since I fixed it. - added a new stair trim texture in pkeg1.bsp }----------->(((º>------------< Credits >------------<º)))<-----------{ ¤ ZzJohnzZ - without John's help, these maps would not exist. Encouragement and support, suggestions, extensive testing, demos, you name it, this dude did it, thanks man! Visit 3AC where Powder Keg is rated the #1 duel map. :P http://www.theoven.freeserve.co.uk/ ¤ Mister Shambler for some valuable feedback http://www.planetquake.com/teamshambler/ ¤ Daz, Zeph, Vert - playtesting ¤ David Jewsbury for Stoneless ¤ Gibfactory - textures ¤ Vondur for texture help ¤ Anyone else I've forgotten... what day is it? }---------->(((º>---------< Play Information >---------<º)))<---------{ Requirements: quake 1.01 or higher Single player: no sir Cooperative: no Deathmatch: 1on1, 2on2, small FFA. Difficulty Settings: no New sounds: no New Graphics: custom textures }---------->(((º>----------< Construction >----------<º)))<-----------{ Base: based on fribdev1.bsp, but rebuilt from scratch Editor: Stoneless (v 1.01) Other Utils: TexMex, Remipdlx, PSP 3.5, ArghLite, wQBSP, rvis+ Textures used: Some from Quake Some from Heretic2 Some I've made or modified *RTeleport15 by Gibfactory Build time: a few hours Compile machine: celeron 400 96mb Compile time: about 10 secs for each version? Known Bugs: all clipping bugs have been eliminated as far as I know. This map has been tested EXTENSIVELY in QW and GLQuake, and all problems have been discovered and dealt with. The whole point of this project is to fix the bugs, so there had better fucking NOT be any left. If you find any, please don't tell me, I will probably kill you. :) }--------->(((º>----------< My Quake Levels >----------<º)))<---------{ Electric Fish Deathmatch One Electric Fish Deathmatch Two Electric Fish Deathmatch Three Electric Fish Deathmatch Four Efdm5 - Vortex Efdm6 - Gunmetal Efdm7 - Biohazard Efdm8 - Cryptosporidium Efdm9 - Tangerine Dream Efdm10 - WhiteChocolateSpaceEgg Efdm11 - Maelstrom Efdm12 - Death by the Dozen Fribdev1 - Powder Keg Fribweb1 - Webby's World Special Edition Mrftig01 - Frib and Tigger-oN's arena (rocket arena) All available from http://www.planetquake.com/frib/ plus ftp.cdrom.com and mirror sites }--------->(((º>----------< Copyright Stuff >----------<º)))<---------{ Authors may not use this level as a base to build additional levels. You may NOT decompile the level into a .map file for any reason whatsoever. You may modify the .bsp (adding bot route files, gl-vis it, replacing textures, whatever) for you OWN PERSONAL USE only; do not distribute any modified versions of this level. You are not allowed to commercially exploit this level, i.e. put it on a CD or any other electronic format that is sold for money, without my explicit permission. You MAY distribute this BSP through any electronic network, provided you include this text file and leave the archive intact. Basically, please don't fuck with the map, and don't fuck ME around. I put a lot of time and effort into creating these levels, for free; all I ask for in return is a little respect and common courtesy.