·· I N F O R M A T I O N ·· Title : Hook In Mouth Date of release : 1st October 1999 Filename : hook .bsp - original hookse .bsp - special edition hooksew.bsp - special edition with built-in OmicronBot waypoints Author : Vondur Email address : von@vondur.net Homepage : Vondur's War Supply http://vondur.net Description : Quake 1 Military Style Deathmatch Level Other maps by author : Q1dm - dokkur1-6, ferrum, zed Q1sp - solfall Q1ra - sannur Q2dm - svartur1-3, compass HLsp - sigur HLdm - scoff Single Player : Yes yes yes yes ! See [SP Part] in NOTES Cooperative : Well... Deathmatch : Yes. Designed for one-versus-one game. Difficulty Settings : Nah. Base : New level inspired by the fading nature and by the dark and evil music Editors used : Worldcraft 1.6 Wally 1.4x Photoshop 5.0 EditPad 3.5.0 Textures : All texes has been either modified from quake1[2].wad or mine. Bloody water - zerstorer.wad Some decorations - quake2.wad NOTE: if you'll use some of my texes [all texes beginning at h_*] just give me credits in your .txt file. Known Bugs : Nothing found Build Time : Started July 1999 Compile machine : PII 400 / 128 Mb Additional utils used : WQbsp Rvis+ Tyrlite TexMex 2.8 ·· I N S T R U C T I O N S ·· You have to: 1. Unzip hook[se,sew].bsp into ../quake/id1/maps directory. 2. Run Quake. [GLQuake is preferrable] 3. In Quake, at the console type "map hook[se;sew]". 4. Play the map. 5. Enjoy it or hate it. 6. Exit the game. 7. Launch your mail program. 8. Write love/hate mail to vondur@planetquake.com. Just eight points. Easy, huh? ·· N O T E S ·· [DM PART] This level designed for 1-on-1 game. 4ffa must work too. But, as for 6ffa...I just don't know, sorry. !!! ATTENTION, OMICRON BOT LOVERS !!! I've made separate version of this map for omis because of: 1. They can't reach hanging rocketlauncher or do it silly 2. They scared a bit by the air lifts Besides, some human players might be unhappy with this things too. Therefore, if you want to try another way to kill, just use either hookse.bsp or hooksew.bsp [with built-in waypoints] map instead of original hook.bsp. Changes in hookse.bsp: 1. Hanging RL placed on special bridge 2. Air lifts changed to mechanic ones 3. Secret door health decreased from 200 to 20 CAUTION: If you'll try to launch hooksew.bsp in original Quake you'll receive bunch of error messages, but map will run after this though. ··· END OF ATTENTION ··· [SP PART] By entering into the level type at the console "notarget". It requires for Enforcer, guide dude, who walks on the base useless. If you will not type "notarget" he will very annoyed and conflict will be inevitable. "Notarget" is just ticket. He will guide you through the base and will show you all the rooms. Don't forget to say him thanks. He works for free.... ·· C R E D I T S T O: ·· Ben Morris for the 1.6 id software for the Vaults Of Zin and other cool places because of interesting excursions [www.idsoftware.com] Neal White III and Ty Matthews for awesome Wally [www.planetquake.com/wally] ickey J for useful TexMex [www.planetquake.com/texmex] Tyrann for the great improvements of vis and lite compilers [www.planetquake.com/tyrann] r.Fribbles [www.planetquake.com/frib]; Fat Controller [www.planetquake.com/fatty]; Vigilante [www.clanworld.dk/team-cotv/reviews/index_review.htm] for playtesting and notes usicians who inspired me during level making. At this time: EGADETH [www.megadeth.com] for the map title from the song of their coolest album "So far, so good...So what!" [p]1988; THE MOON LAY HIDDEN BENEATH A CLOUD [last album r0xx]; N.O.I.S.E. [www.noisemusic.org] - Pinku Vaaty and Elysis; THE LEGENDARY PINK DOTS [brainwashed.com/lpd]; Kari Rueslatten; SOULFLY; TYPE O NEGATIVE; DEAD CAN DANCE; LoK; Doom midi Purusa for the great modz [members.xoom.com/purusa] - Damn cool last .vqf album of "Unknown" September the Month and Autumn Twilights for inspiration. ·· L E G A L S T U F F ·· This BSP may be distributed ONLY via the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. And don't remove this .txt file from the .zip archive! Quake is for life. Not just for lanparty. [ v o n d u r ] VONDUR'S WAR SUPPLY http://www.planetquake.com/vondur