Return to Atlantis [================] Reason for Living [===============] Everyone seems to like the texture set I used for dayDream, so decided to use it for a fully fledged 'grown up' map. This one's designed for 2v2, but also provides a damn fine duel as well. So, go look around. As this is probably my last Q1 level I've tried to show off as much as I possibly can, by also push the old Q engine as far as it will go. With FOV set at 110 the polys pop up to 700 here and there, but are usually below 600. If you play in higher than FOV 110 then you also probably in software with it looking like lego on speed, so the extra 50 polys won't matter to you.... I hope #8¬) Other levels [===========] Quite a few now, all Q1 ; BCDM1 - The Spiral BCDM2 - The Ledge BCDM3 - Long Walk BCDM4 - Homeless house The place from Atlantis Space Station Pingu's Castle insomnia nightmare dayDream UKpak7 - Secluded Store Grab them all from my web site - Thanks to [=======] Okay, there's a few people here... The Green Nuns of the Revolution - The Tyrlite blokey.. The Worldcraft blokey.. Those id blokeys Aardappel of DTX y mummy and daddy ultiplayer Quake - Statistics [========] ap name - a2.bsp File size - 864kb Zip size - 362b Author - Pingu Real Name - Alex Moore E-Mail - Build time- 5 weeks, on and off... lots of hours here Editors - Worldcraft 1.6b, Tyrlite Play Information [==============] Single Player - Just to look around Co-Op - No DM - Duel, 2v2, 4-6FFA # of DM starts- 6 Weaponry [=======] Lightning Gun - One Rocket Launchers - Two Grenade Launchers- One Super Nail Guns - None Nail Guns - None Super Shot Guns - None Armoury [=====] Red Armour - One Yellow Armour- One Green Armour - None Special Items [===========] Pentagram of Protection - None Quad Damage - One Ring of Shadows - None ega Health - None Textures Used [===========] Not quite sure where all of these textures are from, but several are definitely from the original Arena pak, some from quake itself, one from Rubicon, a top single player pak by John Fitzgibbons (I've used his textures before and forgot to mention him so hope this makes up for it - Also the long picture in the main room is from the artworks.wad, created by Sonya Roberts - The rest... gawd knows; If you spot your texture then I thank you for letting me use it.. Enjoy.. Pingu MCMXCIX Nasty Legal Bit [=============] This work is entirely mine, do not use it in part or in whole as your own work. If you wish to modify it, contact me and we'll talk further. All copyrights of original software (quake - id software, worldcraft - ben morris, tyrlite - kevin shanahan) are acknowledged, and I respect the original creators of any textures used here.